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Refocusing Memoir/ Reclaiming Our Lives

Sundays 6:00-8:00 pm EDT via ZOOM

The Truth Fights Free.jpeg

Artwork by Gwynne Duncan for Herstory's Paintings for Justice archive

Our narratives—the stories we tell ourselves—connect our minds and bodies, bridging the gap between the experiences we have endured and our understanding of those experiences. But sometimes, we shape our narratives in ways to protect ourselves from truths we do not want or cannot yet accept. Our narratives also connect our identities with the natural and political worlds around us, bridging our hopes, fears, and desires with the greater web of life and the systems that seek to control it. But sometimes too those systems shape our narratives to protect themselves from truths they do not want to accept. Still, despite all this, the truth fights free.


While memoir is about the past, which cannot be undone, as much as we might wish this, the ways in which we are able to shift the jagged shards of our memories, in the need to redo and retell, can be startlingly beautiful, life changing and profound. Led by Chad Seader and Danielle Pappo, two of the 2021 Herstory/CCW fellows, this online drop-in workshop will be focused on untangling those moments when our entire narratives suddenly shift, either by an external event or an internal change within us, and affirming what takes shape as a result of these shifts.

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