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Today I Write:  Black Student Stories for Our Time

As the pandemic continues to ravage communities of color, the need to give voice to the entrenched inequities that have plagued our island grows increasingly urgent. We are thrilled to announce

the launch of an island-wide online workshop, sponsored by the Writing Center at LIU-Post, the first in a growing series of workshops created by student activists, according to their passions and needs.


Meeting via ZOOM every Wednesday from 3-5 pm 

Starting on Wednesday June 3rd


What is your story? Who do you want to tell it to? As events, images, and words swirl around us, sometimes bombarding us with hate and other times with hope, how do we write ourselves in this moment?


Herstory Writers Workshop invites you to participate in an island-wide Black student movement to give voice to this moment's most immediate issues while creating a sense of community and hope.  Each community experiences the challenges of this time differently. This project was sparked by a group of Black student leaders who requested a special workshop to illuminate the entrenched injustices and enduring strengths that have become even more pronounced in the wake of COVID-19.     


We invite you to write with other high school and college students from neighborhoods throughout Long Island. Help us to bring Black student voices to those who need them the most.  


The stories generated by this project will be published and widely read on websites of Herstory and its partners, social media, and newsletters. The stories will also be included in Herstory's growing archive, with the hope that they will be taught in high school and college classes, and used in houses of worship, in interactions with legislators and human service providers, wherever they might make a difference.  


The workshop will be taught by Herstory Facilitators Barbara Levin and Amber Davis, meeting via ZOOM every Wednesday from 3-5pm, starting on Wednesday June 3rd .  


Barbara and Amber have both taught Herstory workshops in the community, in the schools, and in the jails, making sure that the voices of those who have been silenced will be heard. 


If you are interested, please send a short email to Amber Davis at , copied to Nilda Nelson at  Barbara Levin at

   *Students from high schools, colleges and universities are welcome to join, as we work with our college and school partners to roll out options to help you meet your community service and community engagement requirements.  


To read a story by Amber,   click here .


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